A Simple Question, Yet Important To Find The Answer : (Sebuah Pertanyaan Sederhana, Namun Sangat Penting Untuk Direnungkan)

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Have you ever asked yourself “what is the purpose” of your life on this planet earth? (Pernahkan Anda Bertanya Kepada Diri Sendiri, Sebenarnya Tujuan Hidup Anda Itu Apa Sih Di Dunia Ini?)

Congratulations. You have answered the most important question, perhaps in the history of mankind. Why is that the case? The answer is simple. Everything that is happening in this world, in around us, and everywhere else consist of two episodes, beginning and ending. All others in between of these two ends are determined by the first event. Which is the Alpha–the beginning that will determine what kind of omegas that will prevail at the end. So, asking a question and finding the answer at the beginning of the process are very crucial. For it affects the outcomes. Perhaps, not too many people know the importance of finding the answer to this question. If they do, they may not seriously contemplate upon it, or they may not have time to do so, because of their daily routines.

In the management science, the first episode often called planning. A good plan will yield one or multiple great outcomes. Likewise, sub-optimal plan generates less favorable yields. Planners are required to have “knowledge” as pre-requisites to come out with great plans. Past experience, prior knowledge and up-to-date expertise make up of these pre-condition such that the decision makers are able to make a wise decision. Consequently, optimal results are secured. So, one may ask where is the important ingredient of wisdom coming from? Is there any source that one can learn from, such that one is able to make a wise decision? Because the role of wisdom is very important in every aspect of humans’ life, let us discuss about it in more detail.

Wisdom: What and Where Is It Coming From? The Book of Wisdom 7:21-22:

21: “Whatever is hidden or plain I learned,”; 22: “for wisdom, the artisan of all, taught me”

Wisdom where can I find you? Why are you hiding from me? Please reveal yourself!! Well, actually wisdom does not hide itself. It was there, since the beginning of the creation. In fact, the writings on wisdom can be found in Proverb, Chapter 1, verse 7 as quoted here “fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom and discipline”. King Solomon, who composed his sayings during his reign from 970 to 930 B.C. (Proverbs 1:1). Solomon highly likely penned chapters 1 to 29 of Proverbs. A man named Agur wrote chapter thirty (Wikipidia).

  • Let us discuss in more detail about wisdom as quoted above, line by line:
  • fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” Comments: Does it mean, then, for those who do not fear the Lord will have no knowledge or have less knowledge compared to those who fear Him? It seems the logical consequences of the line is pointing toward that direction.
  • So, can we find proofs in the real world to support such claims? Sure many of them. In facts, it even happens to us individually, to people around us as well. For example, during my school year, I wait till the last minute to finish homework assignments. As results, I turned them late and have to accept the penalties or grade reductions. Toward the end, I only make decent grade. In this example, I made a choice not to accept a better grade. Otherwise, I will not turn assignments late and wasted the opportunities:-).
  • Readers may say, it has nothing to do with God at all–you are not fearing the Lord, but the teacher who teach the class. Well, when one takes a course, all the conditions and rules are explained in the syllabus, including penalties for turning-in late assignments. Basically, in my case, I did not follow the rule of the game and broke the course contract. Therefore, I have to live with the consequences. The same thing will happen when I do not follow the rule of the game that the Lord has made. Now, I can see that the rules spelled-out in the syllabus meant to help me to learn the class materials well and to get a great reward at the end. So, the course contract is good for me. In this example, I have lack of wisdom and being too stubborn to listen to what the instructor has told me. I am a fool.

Consequences of Disobeying God: Lesson Learned From The Israelites

There are always consequences for not following the rules of the Creator. Why God asks humans to follow His rules? Any reasons? Does it mean, following His words is the purpose of life for every human being’s on this planet? The rules of the game are the conditions set for helping human to survive. If the players do not follow the rule, or simply break the law (of God), then the consequences are obvious. One can learn from the Babylonian exile after the Israelites were defeated by Nebuchadnezzar. Why were they got conquered? Because they broke the conditions set by the Lord before they enter the promised land.  God has warned them as one can read from the Book of Deuteronomy., Chapter 28 verse 15 to 36. Disobedience has severe consequences. Not only that the Israelites lost the Kingdom of Judah, but they were also captured and taken to Babylon and their Kings were killed. The Lord has warned them what is going to happen, if they disobey the Creator as it was written in Chapter 28 verse 36 quoted here “The LORD will bring you, and your king whom you have set over you, to a nation which you and your ancestors have not known, and there you will serve other gods, of wood and stone”. That was exactly what happened. I am thankful to finally listen to the words of my Creator.  One night, in my dream, I met the Son of Man.  In that dream, when I knelt that I tried to kiss his feet, Christ lifted me up, by holding my arms.  As I stood in front of Him, Christ pointed out to a picture on a wall that depicted poor people and tell me that I have to help them.  This event plays importance roles down the road in my life, especially when life gets more challenging.  My encounter with Christ has helped me to follow His teaching fully. 


Actually, the purpose of life has been answered by the Son of Man, Himself in Mathew 22:34-40. Let us put these greatest 2 laws in the real world context and begin our discussions with the first law ““You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind“. In the Israelites’ exile to Babylonia discussions above, one can learn that disobeying the Creator has some severe consequences. Will this only apply to the Israelites? Of course not. The Law of Grace applies to every human being, regardless where they live or their skin colors. There is no right or left, there is no progressive or conservative, and there is no red or blue states either. God is fair in His judgement. Therefore, all other things, including group delineations by colors and any other means are irrelevant. To Love God is the Purpose of One’s Life. But the Lord never forces anyone to love Him. In our exile example above, The eternal Father givest the freewill to the Israelites to choose. Unlike the ACT, GRE, GMAT or USMLE tests, the test takers have even been told what the correct answers are, namely the Laws of Grace. For the Father in heaven is merciful, He told (or warned) mankind the answers before they even take the tests. Yet, millions fail miserably. Isn’t that amazing?

Will Becoming A Pastor Or A Priest Shield One From Sins?

Does it means, obeying the Lord’s laws should make every single person on the planet earth to become a priest or a pastor? So, does it mean that one has to spend her or his entire 24 hours to pray? BTW, remember the most recent thing that was happening with a celebrity pastor from Hillsong Church? What about other ministries that failed to convey the message of God? Being a pastor does not guarantee one to have a holy life. Being a priest does not guarantee that one wears a bulletproof vest from committing sins. Think about King David? To answer such an important question, then one needs the wisdom guided by the Holy Providence. One can love God in all aspects of one’s life. For example, if you are a student, then do what a student supposed to do–study hard, learn hard, follow your teacher’s or instructor’s directions and do not be lazy. Eager to learn. Respect your teachers, classmates, pa and ma. Likewise, when you are an employee, do what your job descriptions say and better yet do beyond them. Do it happily, eagerly, and efficiently. Avoid playing office politics, gossips or jealous of what other employees’ have achieved. Eager to help your teammates to perform, and not to be the hurdles to others. If you are the boss, or supervisor, give credits to your subordinates, rather than to steal the credits from them. Do not use your “momentarily” power to belittle anyone. If you are a husband, avoid cheating your wife with other women. If you are a father, respect your children, becomes the role model for them and help your children to grow. If you are a wife, obey your husband, avoid cheating with another man. The real life question then becomes “what if my husband or may wife cheated on me? Well, any type of infidelities are the results of sins. The fruits of being disobey to the Lord. Therefore, it is mandatory for all parties to live her or his life in accordance to the Law of Grace (remember, the fallen of many kings, world leaders, ministers and priests). If one does not, then they open a crack, and from it, the dragon–lucifer and its legion will attack. We will talk about this very important topic later.

The Ten-Commandments and King’s David Mistakes

Do not be amazed that all these examples have been written to Moses and wrapped up in the Ten-Commitments. These are the first law that the Holy Eternal Father giveth them to mankind. To help human to navigate the landmines called the “world”. Many heard the existence of the Ten-Commitments, yet fail to know what they are. Worse yet, to apply those Law of Graces in their daily life, consciously or unconsciously. In fact, cheating becomes a life-style in the world. Even in the Old Testament, one can find how lust led and shattered a person, a leader, a husband or a wife. Do not believe me? Well, take an example of King David’s life? David is a great king and blessed by the Holy One to lead the Israelites. Yet, fell under a woman’s (Bathsheba) beauty which happens to be the wife of one of his army trusteed person. If King David which the Divine Providence has anointed fell and committed sins, what else can happen to others? lucifer will tell you to use this excuse to commit the same sin. Do not look down what lucifer and its legion can do. One needs to know that lucifer is the fallen angle of Seraphim, the highest rank among the nine quire of Angles. After its falls, it still possess its original power as the fallen the Angle of Seraphim. So, it has the power read one’s mind. All of these dark spirits are able to affect the way you think, and make you to have wild fantasies, which is the beginning of making errors in your life.

How To Protect Us From Making Mistakes?

So, how can one avoid to commit the same mistake or any mistake that inconsistent with the Laws of God? The answer is to live up your life in accordance to the Law of Graces. Consciously ask yourself, before making any decision in this life. Will my action go against and therefore, break the Ten-Commandments. Ask yourself, if what you plan to do will glorify the Father in heaven or otherwise? Ask yourself, if your action is taken out-of-love to the Father or out-of-the love of the money, power, ego, lust, etc? In other words, ask if the actions that you plan to take are based on the “WORLD”, the love of the flesh, instead of the heavenly love? These two kind of loves contradict to one another. Knowing which one of which is a simple matter. Example, helping those who are poor, will reduce your checking of saving account. Contradict to the WORLD that has taught you. However, in the context of heavenly love, this act known as Charity and it is one of the three Theologian (Christian) Virtues–which are Faith, Hope and Charity. Taking actions that are consistent with these virtues, will please the Eternal Father. It may not, however, to please your spouses or friends.

More on Charity: What and How Important Is It?

The simple way to understand about Charity is like this: That you spend your own resources to help others. That means, while others are better off, you, as the giver becomes poorer or worse-off (as known by the worldly definition about wealth transfers). The concept of Charity is totally the opposite of what has been thought in Wharton or Harvard Business School. The neo-classical concept of maximizing profit embraced by corporations, businesses in the world has been totally misunderstood for decades. Making profit does not really mean that corporation or business have to make maximum profit to satisfy the Wall Street’s expectations. Therefore, profit is not the objective function in firms’ maximizing behavior. But, customers’ satisfaction is. How a company can deliver the best quality product is indeed the real objective function in the model of profit maximization. When customers feel that the value of the product exceeds the selling price, then they, the costumers will comeback. They will buy more, enlarge the company market shares and market power because of repeated purchases. You see here? That the company increases its market power not by crushing its competitors, but by Charity. Got it? So, Charity does not always reduce one’s resources. Rather, the opposite is true. Giving alms do not make you less rich, yet more blessing will be given to you. Otherwise, how then the “Poor Widow’s Contribution” (Luke gospel, Chapter 21: 1-4), that donates her last two coins will survive for the rest of her life, if there is no Divine Providence’s intervention?


    1. Karan, thank you for your wishes and visiting the site. Hope you enjoy the writings. Comeback and share your thoughts!

  1. Terima kasih atas pencerahannya pak. Semoga kerjasama yang baik antara Yayasan Tunas Karya dengan GHTH akan terus berlangsung di mana-mana mendatang. Semoga Tuhan memberkati usaha dan niat baik kita semua.

    1. Terima kasih ibu. Bi Lie. Kami dari TTS Foundation juga berterima kasih kepada ibu dan semua pengurus di Yayasan Tunas Karya yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada GHTH berpartisipasi aktif dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia melalui jalur pendidikan. Semoga niat baik dan kerja sama ini akan menjadi modal dalam mendorong siswa/i YTK untuk lebih giat belajar dan melihat kesempatan emas terbentang dihadapan mereka. Yang diperlukan hanya kerja keras, giat dalam menuntut ilmu dan pantang menyerah.

      1. I am so proud of you Harry for your dedication in serving others. I admire your love for Mother Mary and I know she is with you in caring out this project. Thank you for your teachings.

        1. You are welcome Sandy and thank you for your kind words. There are many things that I can not explain that has happened during the process to launch ghth.org website. Just to give your the perspective.

          GHTH, Inc has been incorporated in the State of Tennessee for almost 13 years. However, only recently, we get the site name back, because after the first try, we discontinued to serve the community. When we tried to get that name back, about seven years ago, the company said, it was not available and we have to buy with sum of money, which I think as a sign that God’s time hast not arrive yet.

          Then we set a new name (ghthweb.org) and launched the program again. However, it lasted only about 2 years. When Covid-19 hit the world, everything went to sleep, including the new site where additional 3 words WEB attached to the original name.

          Beginning in 2021, the new website did not function at all. When people click the name, it shows error messages. This coincide with the time of website renewals. Because of its dysfunctionality, we did not renew it. Therefore, the name goes to the market, and we need to wait at least 60 days, before we can buy it back.

          However, there is an inner voice that keeps urging me to restart the site again. So, I finally called and asked the company, if ghthweb.Org site name is available in the market

          When the representative on the other end checked the availability of ghthweb.org, he said it is not available and you have to wait at least 60 days, because you did not renew it during the period of renewal. However, if there is no one to buy the name ghthweb.org after 60 days waiting period, then you can buy it back.

          Then we said to him, can you please check if the original name ghth.org (without the three words WEB) is available. He said yup, the site name ghth.org is available. Without waiting a second, we bought that name back and pay the hosting fees for ten years.

          Because of His grace, the Eternal Father will guide mankind, even if human denied him. Not one, but repeatedly. If God loves those who constantly reject HIM with many graces and blessings (think about the oxygen that one breaths), what kind of blessings and graces will be poured out to those who love Him? Abundantly!

  2. Thank u so much for this foundation kindness to help especially for our students in SMP ST. PAULUS PANGKALPINANG YAYASAN TUNAS KARYA.

    1. You are very welcome Pak. A. Hanung. The TTS Foundation is sowing the seeds. We are eager to help, for we know that one day, YTK students will be able to become important contributors in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Computer Science, Economics and in other fields of their choice. All YTK students have the same opportunities to strive fully. TTS Foundation would like to encourage each and everyone of them to be tough. Not easily breakable, respect their parents and teachers. Please continue motivating your students to study hard, and learn as much as they can the class materials and pass their course exams with the highest possible grades. Thank you for being a great teacher for YTK students. May God bless you, always!

  3. Harry God Bless you for what you do.I pray to God that you always continue in that path.
    I would like to help your cause. Let me know how I can make a donation for those children to have a good education .

    1. Thank you Sandra for your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. GHTH appreciates your willingness to make monetary donation to the school children and their family who are in needs. GHTH will pass 100 % of any donation to them. Please note that we are not a 501(c3) non-profit organization. Perhaps, it will never be. Therefore, any donation made to GHTH cannot be applied to reduce your annual income tax. GHTH has different ideas on motivation to donate. Remember about the poor widow’s offering (Luke 20:45-21:4Luke 20:45-21:4Luke 20:45-21:4). The widow made her donation out-of her poverty, instead of her wealth.

      Sandy: You can always mail your contribution to GHTH, Inc. 3250 Chad Court, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, USA

      May God bless you and thank you for your continued prayers!

  4. Kami dari Sekolah Regina Pacis Belitung di bawah naungan Yayasan Tunas Karya, kami mengucapkan terima kepada TTS Foundation dan Penggurus GHTH yang telah membantu keluarga anak didik kami. Semoga segala kebaikan ini menjadi berkat untuk semua orang, terkhusus berkat untuk anak-anak didik kami.

    1. Terima kasih Bu. Siau Lie. First, let us at GHTH translates what Ms.Siau Lie has written (We, from the Regina Pacis SchoolRegina Pacis SchoolRegina Pacis School under the management of YTK (Yayasan Tunas Karya) foundation appreciates what the TTS (Thong Tju Sen) Foundation has done to help our students and their familiesSMP Regina Pacis. May this effort becomes a blessing to all of us, especially to our students.

      This is our reply in Bahasa: Terima kasih ibu Siau, Kepala Sekolah Regina Pacis di Tanjungpandan, pulau Belitung. Kami dari the TTS Foundation berterima kasih banyak kepada ibu dan semua guru dan staf ibu yang telah membantu kelancaran penyaluran langsung sembako kepada murid dan keluarga mereka yang menghadapai tantangan sosial dan/atau ekonomi). Reaksi cepat yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak pimpinan sekolah Regina Pacis menunjukkan tingkat kepekaan terhadap kebutuhan para murid dan orang tua mereka. Ini tentunya menjadi contoh bagi kita semua. Terutama dalam menghadapi tantangan dan akibat yang telah ditimbulkan dari Covid-19. Selamat ibu Siau, kepada semua guru and staff sekolah Regina Pacis.

      Our reply in English: We, at the TTS Foundation is grateful for your help and the assistance that we have received from the teachers and other staff in assisting the distribution of the food to the needy students and their families. Ms. Siau is the headmaster at Regina Pacis school in the city of Tanjungpandan in the Belitung island. The fast reactions taken by Regina Pacis’ management in distributing the food show the level of care and sensitivity to the needs of their students and families. This is a great example that shows how one needs to react and overcome the negative impacts that have been caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Congratulations to Ms. Siau Lie, and to all teachers and staff at Regina Pacis School.

    1. That is very true. Which one though? Stochastic or non-stochastic. As you may know, in stochastic optimization, the parameters hypothesized to follow a random probability distribution. In other words, they might be estimated statically, but not precisely. In the context of the Law of Graces, everything is deterministic or non-stochastic, the constraints are bounded and has unique solution. The eternal Father hast granted human all answers of cause-and-effect. For example, one of the Law of Graces in the Ten-Commandments says that “You shall not steal”. And if one does, then she or he will deal with the law. Our discussions led to the following conclusion in that “there is a certainty by following the Law of Graces”

      The Eternal Father did not randomly create the World with all its contents, including human. But with a perfect purpose, and His purpose is to share His love and graces

  5. Prof Harry,
    Thank you so much for the sharing.
    I totally agree that Faith, hope, and charity are our virtues Christian life. I believe that your endeavor will come true, because God always bless your vision and your kindness. We are here as a partners will help you for realizing your dream.

    Sincerely yours,
    Tunas Karya Foundation

    1. Thank you Father. Sam, for your kind words and supports. GHTH, Inc appreciates the opportunities that have been given to us to participate in this important project to help YTK’s students and their families who are facing both social and economic challenges. GHTH, will try it very best to find funding to realize these dreams. The hope and drive that we all have to make the world as a better place to live in by sharing the resources. These three Theologian Virtues strengthen us at GHTH, Inc to continuously working to achieve these objectives, regardless the obstacles, challenges and limited resources that we are facing. Thank you again!

      1. Bapak Hdjunaidi ghth terimakasih pencerahanya, semoga karya bapak di ghth semakin di berkati Tuhan, melalui karya bapak,semakin banyak anak yang maju,dan lebih baik.

        1. Terima kasih kembali. Kami sungguh senang dapat menerima dan mendengar langsung harapan harapan dari semua pihak, murid, orang tua dan para pembaca lainnya yang telah meluangkan waktu membaca tulisan tulisan kami di ghth.org website. Semoga tulisan tersebut dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi yang akan memotivasi siapa saja, terutama para siswa/i untuk terus berjuang, dan tanpa lelah dalam mencapai cita-cita mereka.

  6. Name of student: Christopher Imanuel Hendrawan
    School name: SD SANTA AGNES
    Class: fifth grade V
    School location: belinyu
    Phone number / wa that can be contacted: 088287911708

    Question Which has been answered:
    1. lighten the burden on parents
    3.tematic (IPA, IPS, b.indo, PPKn, sbdp)
    5.Not naughty
    6.Difficulty understanding the lesson
    8.Want to hurry back to school and study as usual

    1. Hello Christopher. It was great to learn your post. TTS Foundation is studying your interests and scholarship application. In the meantime, please continue to study hard and keep your hope and aim high!!
      TTS Foundation

    1. Thank you Ma’am Dolores for your kind words. We are living on this planet earth with special purposes. To help each other to grow. To share our own limited resources to others. We strive for excellence together and we have the purpose to make this planet earth as a better place for everyone. Please continue helping your students to learn and improve their English skills through this platform.
      TTS Foundation

  7. Devotional Today 6/23/21
    “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

    ☝️God is perfect in all His thoughts and trustworthy in all His ways… unlike men who often distort the facts, twist the truth, and are easily tossed about like waves on the sea, God’s counsel is steadfast, His promises are sure, His Word is dependable, and His Truth lasts from one generation to another.
    ☝️If God has said it… He will certainly do it. God has set out His plan of the ages within the pages of Scripture, and God’s purposes for those that trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour are steadfast and sure. We have the assurance of God Himself, that His Word is to be trusted… for God has placed His Word above His holy Name.
    🙏 God bless you and your family!😇😇😇

  8. evotional Today 6/22/21
    Scripture Reading — Psalm 84
    “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”
    —Psalm 84:5 —
    ☝️In this psalm, the writer praises the Lord for the beauty of his dwelling place. It’s a place where the psalmist can find rest, praise the Lord, be strengthened, and enjoy the favor and honor of God. It is a blessing to meet together with God and his people.
    “Lord, thank you for your love and care. Draw me closer to you, to know you, to worship you with all my heart, by the strength of your Spirit. Amen.

  9. Devotional Today 6/19/21

    “How blessed are those whose way is blameless,
    Who walk in the law of the Lord.”
    ☝️Happiness is found by those who have integrity of heart, those who live by the Word of God. Integrity is rooted in the character of God. It is a Christ- likeness in the soul. It is striving to live a life that is pleasing to God. It is doing the right thing, saying the right thing, thinking about the right things. It is living by God’s standards and not the standards of the world.
    ☝️Happiness is obeying God’s Word and searching for Him with all of one’s heart. This means that one must regularly be into God’s Word. He must read it, meditate upon it, let the Holy Spirit give him.
    🙏 Enjoy your day you are blessed!😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰

  10. Devotional Today 6/24/21
    Ang Putli nga 🤍🤍🤍
    “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
    ☝️Purity of heart may also be described as “wholehearted” commitment and service to God.
    ☝️Absence of hidden, impure motives. Have you ever been around anyone who was smiling, but you really had a sense that the smile was meant to distract you from the knife makiing its way toward your back? Do you know the feeling when someone is treating you well, but you think you know that it’s because they want something from you? Have you ever observed people who gave and who “did a lot for God,” but who constantly called attention to themselves? Or worse, have you ever been one of those people? For the person with the pure heart, motives and behavior are congruent. What you see is what you get. Tinuod jud!
    🙏God bless you and your family.🤍🤍🤍

  11. Devotional Today 6/25/21
    “The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn’t fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.”
    ☝️If you plant yourself near the Lord and draw from His living waters, you will live the blessed life. There is no unique formula, but the benefits are immense. Jeremiah uses the metaphor of a tree that is near a stream of water. That is a good picture of a mature disciple of Jesus Christ. They go near to where life is and draw from it.
    ☝️Make the Effort
    To walk in this blessing, you have to stretch out your roots towards the water. There is an effort on our part that is implicit. You are not going to be handed everything, nor will you be force-fed. There needs to be a desire on your part to grow, which means you make an effort to read your Bible, pray, go to church, and serve the needy. God offers opportunities and promises blessings, but you need to do some work. Just do it!
    🙏 Enjoy your day you are blessed 😇😇😇

  12. God is so good. Thank you, Lord, for Sir Harry*s life. Sir, you are really a true blessing to all the people around the world. God has entrusted your wisdom, wealth, family, and friends. I declare more favors from above in your life and in your family. God will protect you.

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