BLOG (English)

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Understanding the Bible’s Message Through Dialogue

The once -a -week program is aimed at everyone who wants to know more about the Words of God. In this program, all discussions will be conducted in depth in Indonesian or English, and the messages of the Bible will be put in such a way from the Old Testament, the New Testament to the latest message from the Triune God, delivered through the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje.

Here we convey the last Message of Our Lady in Medjugorje dated March 25, 2021 in English “Dear children! Also today I am with you to tell you: Little children, who prays does not fear the future and does not lose hope. You are chosen to carry joy and peace, because you are mine. I have come here with the name ‘Queen of Peace’ because the devil wants peacelessness and war, he wants to fill your heart with fear of the future – but the future is God’s. That is why, be humble and pray, and surrender everything into the hands of the Most High Who created you. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”

The discussions in this site are based on three sources: the messages of God the Father through the Bible, and is based on Catholic Teaching (Catholic Christian Faith). However, that does not mean those outside Catholicism cannot join in the discussions. If people are thirsty to seek the kingdom of God, then Eternal Father in heaven will guide and provide opportunities and a way to know Him, who they are, and with whatever faith that they have. If indeed the teaching originates from the Holy Trinity, there will never be any contradictions. Like water, it will never flow back to (into) the source (spring), but on the contrary it will radiate and flow out from the source. No matter how you want to think about it, the water will still flow out of the spring.

Because God is the source of love, and not the source of wrath. The Eternal Father is the source of good and not evil. All that is evil does not come from God, but from the devil. Many people say (claim) that they have committed an act (such as stealing, or destroying, even killing) in the name of God, the Father. That is precisely the devil’s doing. Mankind need to remember that the devil is the fallen angel. The devil himself is a creation of the Holy One. Instead, the devil’s supreme leader came from the angel of the highest status (Seraphim). When lucifer rebelled, all the greatness of an angel Seraphim has, was still in its possession, and was not taken over by the Creator. Therefore the devil can read people’s minds, the devil can influence people’s hearts and actions. For example, the fall of Eve from the devil’s temptation in the form of a snake. The snake was right in saying that “you will not die”. But if you want to think about it again, why did Eve needs to eat the forbidden fruit? She has been gifted with everything that is necessary, except for the fruit hat is coming from the forbidden tree. What are else she is looking for? Everything was provided – there was nothing else to look for. Satan will affect the human heart and provide justifications for an action that is contrary to the Words of God even. In today’s life, we see the same thing, or a parallel with what happened to Eve. Humans violate God’s commands, because they listen to the justifications spoken or whispered by the devil. We need to be vigilant because the devil will borrow someone’s hand to accomplish its evil plans, for example in the form of incitement, public deception, etc.

Not many of us seek to hearken to and learn from the fall of the first man, and take invaluable lessons from him. Especially from Eve. There are some things that, after being reviewed, can be a lesson for the people of this era. What are they?

Learning From Eve’s Fall in the Garden of Eden

  1. The devil will continue to strive to bring down man with a mundane lure.
  2. Greed is the source of all evils.. Greed in all its forms will only bring disaster, not goodness.
  3. Any action against the Words of God will have consequences. If you already knew, don’t try or do it. Therefore, man needs to know what are the Words of God? If you’ve never read the Bible, then how can you know what evil actions are? Therefore, one needs to diligently read the Bible..
  4. The devil will use the same means, techniques and tricks to bring down humans, just like the first technique used to knock Eve down. In the Bible, we read how a snake can communicate in human language. The object is visible, which is a snake. But nowadays, the devil is invisible to the naked eye. So how can men know the whisperings of the devil? It is easy, pondering, whether or not the prompting is contrary to the Word of God? For example, the Commandments not to steal. What can be included in this category of stealing? Many of hem, including for example looking for the greatest business profit. Or sell goods of low quality. Or deliberately use cheap and dangerous ingredients to pursue fleeting profits. An example can be seen how formaldehyde is used to preserve tofu or salted fish. How are dyes sprayed onto chili peppers to make them look red? Or how bananas are doused with chemicals so that they quickly turn their skin from green to yellow. By the way all of these example are found in the developing countries.
  5. Therefore, men need to continue to pray, in order to be equipped with wisdom, so that men know the voice of the devil, can recoqnize and then take steps to avoid sin, or evil deeds to others.
  6. Once a person makes mistakes, the consequences will be very expensive.
  7. When you are tempted by someone to do something, think clearly, whether the seduction is contrary or not with the Words of God. If so, reject it. You don’t have to think twice. For example, teenagers often get squealed out because friends force them to drink alcohol or do more serious things. Or an office employee commits an act of corruption because it is requested by his or her boss. Refuse, don’t be afraid that you’ll lose your job, because God is the source of infinite work. No one who follows in the word of God dies of starvation. Even if he dies, go straight to heaven (Remember the story of Lazarus who was poor with the rich). Both are dead, like all of us will die later. But after Lazarus died, he was exalted. on the contrary the rich man become the dwellers of the pit.
  8. Prayer will also make one knows the intentions of the devil, or the person used by the devil to harm other people. Wisdom will makes everything clear, though they are kept secretly. Isn’t this the desire of all men to be wise? What was the initial step to obtaining this special blessing? The answer is “to fear God” (Book of Proverbs 1, verse 7). Fear of God is also one of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

How Can I Get Closer to God Or My God (Part 1)?

This is a classic question, but many people do not know how or the answer, despite the desire or longing for it. Our daily routines and activities have led people to unconsciously distance themselves from God. There are people who realize that they are getting further away from God, but have no power to turn back. As if you are unable to break the circle.

It is not uncommon for people to attend mass at church. Even though he is physically sitting on the bench, his mind wanders in all directions. If the mass is just before lunch time, the mind of the people concerned wanders to his lunch. Such as menu choices and which restaurant in question will have a delicious lunch.

This is a challenge experienced not only by one or two people, but many people. Just like the saying “in the sea can be guessed, someone’s heart who knows”? This is actually the task of the church as “the main stream”, to guide its people to be closer to the Creator. However, in their daily practice, priests are burdened with all kinds of routines, so priests – too, experience challenges in carrying out their main mission – instead they are more concerned with secondary missions. With a large number of people, it is quite difficult for pastors to be able to serve each individual with their respective problems. As a result, people feel they are not getting good service from the church. Whereas the task of the church is not only to offer mass – but more than that. This limitation provides an opportunity for the common people to play a role.

This is where the task of the people who have been given the grace to help the pastor’s task to bring other friends back to the main road. So in its development besides “the main stream”, available now which we call “the second stream”, which in BLOG GHTH, we are short SS. In fact the SS has been around for a long time, such as the weekly prayer meeting, or ward prayer meeting, or the Legion of Mary. But unfortunately in its development, all the activities of this community, kog have gradually shrunk their activities. Even if it doesn’t disappear, it remains just in name, aka suspended animation. It is not uncommon for meeting activities to become “dry”, not feeling the presence of the spirit at all. Thus only senior people came – just gathering without a clear purpose. Over time, this prayer group became a collection of the elderly, without the young ones attending. Even though in fact the ones who need God’s word more are young people, who still experience many challenges and struggle with all the problems of life (Continued in section 2).

How Can I Get Closer to My God? (Part 2)

Ada pepatah yang mengatakan, jika tidak mengenal, maka tidak sayang. Sama halnya dengan Mengenal Sang Pencipta. Logikanya bagaimana seseorang akan dapat lebih dekat dengan Penciptanya, jika dia, manusia tidak mengenal siapa Dia? Secara samar manusia tahu siapa Allah, namun kalau sudah disuruh mikir, maka jawaban yang keluar paling-paling adalah sifat-sifat Allah.

Kita mulai dengan hal yang mudah dulu. Kalau anda ditanya apa itu empek-empek lenjar (lenjer)? Maka anda akan menjawab dengan memberikan deskripsi bahwa yang namanya empek-empek lenjer itu bentuknya bulat pajang, terbuat dari campuran atau adonan tepung terigu dicampur dengan adonan ikan dan dikasih garam secukupnya. Kemudian direbus sebelum dapat dikonsumsi lebih lanjut.

Jadi kalau kita ditanya siapa Allah itu? Maka manusia dapat mulai memberikan deskripsi tentang Allah. Sebagai reference, kami akan mengacu kepada tulisan dari Suster Maria Agreda yang telah disampaikan ke dalam buku: “The Mystical City of God”, Chapter Satu dan Dua dalam menacri tahu siapa Allah itu. Jadi apa yang kami tulis disini merupakan hasil perenungan dari buku suster Agreda yang telah memperoleh bimbingan dan anugerah langsung dari sang Pencipta. Memang untuk dapat memperoleh hikmat dari buku tersebut, seseorang harus mendapat bimbingan dari Roh Kudus. Buku ini bukanlah sebuah buku karangan biasa atau buku karangan manusia biasa, namun buku ini berisi rahasia kerajaan Allah, yang ditulis berdasarkan inspirasi langsung dari sang Pencipta. Buku ini berisi rahasia, yang dicari oleh semua manusia di dunia ini. Namun tidak bertemu, walaupun buku ini sudah ditulis kurang lebih 400 tahun yang lalu.

Siapakah Suster Agreda? dari Buku 1, Chapter 1 dan 2, kita bisa membaca secara lebih detail, siapa pengarang buku ini. Suster Agreda dipilih oleh Bapa di surga untuk menulis tentang Bunda Maria. Namun pembaca juga akan menemukan banyak rahasia lain melalui buku ini, seperti misalnya tentang 7 hari penciptaan dunia dengan segala isinya. Juga bagaimana para malaikat di ciptakan, bagaimana asal-mula keberadaan iblis. Semua rahasia ini akan kita diskusikan, paparkan, ditulis dan dibagikan kepada publik melalui website GHTH, Inc. Namun semua ini perlu dilakukan dengan seksama, cermat, apik, tidak tergesa-gesa dan melalui kontemplasi mendalam dari setiap kalimat yang dibaca di dalam buku ini. Kita harapkan para pembaca sabar mengikuti-nya dan mempraktekan hikmat yang sudah diperoleh dalam kehidupan keseharian mereka, dan membagikan rahasia ini kepada orang lain, apakah anak, saudara, teman kantor, dst-nya (Bersambung ke Bagian 3)!

How Can I Get Closer to My God? (Part 3)

Dari buku Suster Agreda kita dapat membaca sifat-sifat atau karakteristik atau esensi dari Allah. Perlu digaris bawahi, bahwa bahasa yang dimiliki manusia atau kosa kata (vocabulary) yang ada pada saat ini dan dimasa mendatang pun tidak akan pernah cukup dan dapat menjabarkan secara persis siapa Allah itu. Tidaklah kita perlu heran akan hal ini, oleh karena bagaimana mungkin dengan ketidak sempurnaan dunia, dan akal budi manusia untuk dapat menggambaran siapa Allah itu. Tidak berarti kita tidak perlu mencari tahu siapa Dia, kan?

Oleh karena Allah itu penuh dengan anugerah, dan maha baik, dan melalui pertolongan Roh Kudus, manusia dapat memahami siapa Dia, awalupun terbatas, namun cukup. Kenapa diperlukan peran Roh Kudus–jawaban singkatnya adalah karena manusia berupaya untuk menjabarkan Allah yang merupakan Roh, bukan daging, jadi hanya dengan bantuan Roh-Nya sajalah manusia dapat lebih mengerti siapa Dia. Contoh praktisnya begini. Kita ingin menterjemahkan suatu arikel yang ditulis dalam bahasa Perancis. Kan ngak mungkin kita akan bertanya kepada orang Rusia, yang tidak tahu bahasa Perancis untuk mentemahkan artikel tersebut.

Dan Roh Kudus ini tidak lain adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Allah Tritunggal. Tiga persona, namun satu. Mulai bingung ya? Itu tandanya Anda sudah mulai beroleh hikmat. Pemula dari hikmat–oleh karena dari kebingungan tadi, anda sudah berupaya lebih banyak untuk mencari tahu siapa Dia kan? Oleh karena sifatNya Maha Pemurah, maka Allah langsung bereaksi untuk menolong anda yang sedang mencari jawabannya, walaupun masih sedikit yang diberikan, namun prosesnya sudah dimulai. Dengan demikian, tanpa pertolongan Roh Kudus, hampir bisa dipastikan tidak ada manusia di dunia yang dapat menjabarkan siapa Allah itu. Mungkin banyak orang yang memberikan pelbagai jenis “jawaban”, namun hampir pasti, jawaban tersebut jauh dari sempurna. Karena kemampuan manusia yang serba terbatas.

Kemudian Anda akan bertanya, bukankah suster Maria Agreda ini juga manusia, dengan demikian apa yang ditulisnya juga jauh dari sempurna? Jabawan atas pertanyaan ini adalah memang benar demikian, kalau yang bersangkutan menulis buku ini dari hasil upayanya saja, sebagai manusia. Namun tidak demikian adanya. Perlu diingat bahwa yang bersangkutan secara terus-menerus memperoleh perintah langsung dari Allah Bapa dan Bunda Maria untuk menulis buku ini dimulai pada tahun 1627, namun terus-menerus menolak, dengan pelbagai alasan. Salah satunya adalah ketakutan atau keraguan apakah perintah tersebut datang dari sumber yang benar.. Pada akhirnya di tahun 1937 Suster Maria Agreda mulai menulis buku ini.

Selama penulisan menulis, Suster Maria Ageda langsung dibimbing oleh Tangan Allah. Loh kog bisa? Jawabannya, ya pastilah bisa, karena tidak ada yang mustahil bagi Allah, dan Allah mempunyai hak prerogatif untuk memilih siapa saja untuk menulis tentangNya dan tentang rahasia Illahi. Setelah menyelesaikan penulisan buku ini, atas perintah dari pengganti sementara direktur spiritualnya (direktur spiritual-nya yang asli berhalangan), tulisan atau buku, serta dokumen lainnya yang telah ditulis berdasarkan interaksinya dengan Allah Bapa dan Bunda Maria kemudian dihancurkan dengan cara dibakar. Spiritual direkur sementara yang menggantikan direktur yang sebenarnya berkata bahwa “dia seorang wanita, yang tidak diperkenankan untuk menulis di gereja (ini contoh bagaimana hebatnya ibilis—yang dapat menggunakan tangan seorang pastur atau siapa saja untuk menghancurkan karya Ilahi).

Setelah spiritual direkturnya yang asli kembali bertugas, bersama dengan Suster superiorsdari suster Agreda memerintahkannya untuk menulis kembali apa yang telah dihancurkan. Demikian juga Bunda Maria meminta kepada Suster Maria Agreda untuk kembali menulis buku tersebut. Penulisan kembali dimulai pada tanggal delapan bulan Desember, 1655.

How Can I Get Closer to My God? (Part 4)

Sister Agreda wrote in the preface as follows “O King, most high and wise Lord; How incomprehensible are thy judgments, and inscrutable thy ways (Rom. 11, 24)! Invincible God, enduring forever and whose beginning is unknown (Eccli. 18, 1)! Who can understand thy greatness and who can be worthy of thy most magnificent works, or who can tell Thee why Thou hast created them (Rom. 9, 20)? For Thou art exalted above all of them and our vision cannot reach Thee and our understanding cannot comprehend Thee. Mayest Thou be blest, magnificent King, because Thou hast deigned to show me, thy slave and a vile worm of the earth, great sacraments and most sublime mysteries ”

In Indonesian it is more or less like this “Oh, King of the Most High and a wise God, who can (understand) your judgments, and Your ways (Romans 11, 24)! God who is invincible, who endures forever and whose beginning is unknown (Ecclesiastes 18, 1)! Who can understand Your greatness and who is worthy of Your most amazing work, or who can tell You why You created it (Rom. 9, 20)? Because You are exalted above all and our vision (mind) cannot reach You and our understanding cannot comprehend You. May You be blessed, great King, for You are pleased to show me, your servant and the vile worm on earth, the great sacrament and the most great mystery. “

Basically Sister Agreda says why is it that she, the useless, the small and the lowly, was chosen or chosen to write the most important sacrament and the secret of God’s majesty that is poured out in this book?

Let us ponder, think with all our hearts and contemplate the sentences and paragraphs above, which basically clearly, vividly and clearly say the content and importance of what will be written, or asked to be written in this book, which is about the DIVINE SECRET!

So this book the Mystical City of God is not just any book, but contains about the secrets of the kingdom of God, which will teach and inform people many things. Contains secrets that can make people better, successful, and successful in all aspects of life. The secret that makes man know the purpose of his life, how to get out of all worldly problems, such as ignorance, depression, laziness, depression, poverty, hatred, envy, war, anger, resentment, thirst for power, etc., as it is written in Galatians Chapter 5, verses 18-21.