Teaching Classes Online

We are looking for someone who can teach English language online. Flexible hours, variable times and day. Please contact harjanto.djunaidi@gmail.com

One of the many beautiful white-sandy beaches where volunteers can visit and enjoy the life-time opportunity while teaching English. What are you waiting for? (Picture is accredited to Ms. Cauni– A freelance photographer who loves to coin the beauty of nature, living in the city of Sungailiat, Bangka Island)

Great Summer Job Opportunities

This teaching English language is a perfect job for the newly graduated high school students or high school students who would like to explore opportunities rather than working as a server at restaurants. Think about it. While you are making minimum wage at the restaurant, you can have better alternatives.

Teaching English language to Middle or High Schoolers can be very rewarding. Not only that one earns her or his gas money, but also better working environments. What one needs is only a laptop, connect with the link available in this site. I addition to making extra money, you can also add the teaching experience in your resume. This opportunity is also ideal for those plan to major in Adults Education or English language.

  • Who is your audience: Middle and High Schoolers.
  • Type of Schools: Parochial School.
  • Where: Five dreamed islands in Indonesia. White-sandy beaches within short distance.
  • Time: Flexible and mutually agreed.
  • Duration of meeting: One and half to two hours.